Deleting Files
You only delete a file when you want to remove it from Pirouette permanently. Pirouette keeps a log of all deletions, identifying the file that was deleted, when it was deleted, and the user who deleted it.
Important: once completed, deletions cannot be undone.
To delete a file:
1. Open the file you wish to delete.
2. Go to Actions at the top of the page and select Delete. You’ll get a pop-up message asking if you’re sure you want to delete the record. If you’re sure you want to continue, select OK; this will bring you to the delete helper page.
3. Review all the details on the helper page to confirm that you’re deleting the correct record, and provide a reason for the deletion in the Reason field – you cannot leave this field blank.
Tip: to cancel the process at this stage, select the Cancel button provided on the page.
4. To proceed with the deletion, select the Next button provided on the page. You’ll get a pop-up message asking if you’re sure you want to delete the record. This is your final opportunity to cancel the deletion process.
5. If you’re sure you want to continue, select OK; you’ll receive confirmation that the deletion has been completed and logged. Select the Close button provided on the page to exit the helper.
To view the deletion log history:
Go to the Menu at the top of the page, go to the System section, and select Delete History. This will bring you to the deletion log history, where all deletions are listed.
Important: selecting an item from this list will not restore the deleted record.