Merging Duplicate Client Files
The Merge tool lets you merge two client files together, and is used to clean up duplicate files. As part of a merge, History records, notes, and contact records are moved from the source file to the destination file. All the contents of the destination file, including core client data (Basic Information and Demographics), remains there.
Before starting, you’ll need the Pirouette client number for the two files you plan to merge.
Important: just like deletions, a merge cannot be undone once completed.
To merge two client files:
1. Go to the Menu at the top of the page, go to the System section, select Tools, and select Merge Clients. This will bring you to the related helper page – step 1.
2. a) Enter the Source Client Number: all the data from this file, except for Basic Information and Demographics, will be moved over to the destination file.
2. b) Enter the Destination Client Number: this is the file that will remain once the merge process is complete.
3. Select the Next button provided beneath the text on the page; this will bring you to the helper page – step 2.
4. Confirm the merge details, and check the Delete Source File box if you want the source file to be deleted automatically once the merge is complete. Otherwise you’ll need to manually delete the source file afterwards.
5. Select the Move Client Data button provided beneath the text on the page. This will bring you to the helper page – step 3, confirming that the client data was successfully moved.
Reminder: if you did not select the file deletion option in step 4 above, you’ll need to go to the All Clients list and manually delete the source client file.