User Accounts – Permissions
User account permissions determine what a user can do in Pirouette, and are typically selected based on a user’s role within the organization. Two permissions are critical to the security of your system:
- The Create and modify user accounts permission provides access to the list of user accounts in order to create, modify or deactivate accounts.
- By default, passwords can only be reset if the existing password is entered first. The Reset Passwords permission overrides this; combined with the Create and modify user accounts permission, it allows the user to reset anyone’s forgotten password.
The Pirouette Administrator and at least one backup user need to have these two critical permissions, in order to avoid a situation where no-one in the organization can reset a password or create/deactivate an account.
To select an employee’s permissions:
1. Open the employee’s user account (central menu → System → Users → Active Users) and use the Next button to go to the Permissions section.
2. Select the permissions you want the employee to have (descriptions are provided below.)
3. When you are finished, save the record.
If access limits are enabled in your system, use the Next button to go to the Access Rules section of the record in order to configure this section.
Description of User Account Permissions
Access System Menu: allows the user to access the System menu within the central menu. This permission must be selected in order to view and select any of the following six system permissions:
Create and modify user accounts: allows the user to access the list of user accounts in order to add, modify or deactivate accounts.
Manage Sessions: allows the user a) to see who is logged in, and b) to end an active session.
Access Tools: provides access to available tools such as merging, importing queries, and archiving a group of clients.
Change System Preferences: provides access to change system and global preferences.
Manage Lists: provides access to central lists (i.e.: pulldown list options) and the central programs list.
Reset Passwords: allows the user to reset passwords without entering the current password.
Delete Records: allows the user to delete records in the system; and allows the user to unlock completed OCAN records.
Access Reports: provides access to central built-in reports and custom reporting tools.
Read-Only Access: the user will be able to view records, but won’t be able to make changes.
Access Crisis Lists: provides access to the crisis menu and crisis assessments.
Reassign Notes: allows the user to assign an anonymous note to a client, moving the note to the client file.
Archive/Unarchive Clients: allows the user to move individual client files to the central archived client file list.
Enable Attendance: provides access to the attendance function.