
Use the Intake record to document details about a client’s referral and program enrollment.

To enter a new Intake record:

1.  Open the client file, go the History section, and select the Create button to access the New History Item Helper.

2.  Select Intake, and select the related Create button to create a new record.

Referral, Assessment, and Enrollment

Depending on the responses you select in the record, additional fields will appear for you to record details about:  referral source, presenting issues, eligibility assessment, and enrollment.

You can save the record at any time and reopen it at a later date to continue recording intake details.

Tip:  use the Next button to go to the Housing Preferences section of the record.


While the client is enrolled, all of the Discharge fields are hidden.  When the client is discharged, reopen the Intake record and uncheck the Client is Currently Enrolled checkbox; this will bring the Discharge fields into view so you can record all of the discharge details:

When you are finished, save and close the record.