Group Notes: Time Spent
Use the Time Spent page within a group note record to record a breakdown of time spent with or on behalf of the client.
- If you select Average Total Time: a field will appear for you to enter your total time spent; your time will be equally divided between all the services and/or activities that you select.
- If you select Enter Specific Times: for every service and/or activity that you select, a field will appear so you can enter your time spent on that particular service/activity.
Tip: to make changes to this page (or the Contacts page) after it is saved and closed, open the note and select Edit Related Contacts and Time Spent on the main note page.
When you are finished entering your time spent, save the page. You’ll be prompted to take attendance to identify the clients who were present at the group:
Select OK to go to the Attendance page, where you can select all of the registered clients who were present. When you are finished, save the record.