Adding Click-Through Links
Adding a click-through link to a published report allows users to “drill down” into the report. When a user selects data in the report, it opens the related database record.
1. Go to the central list of query files (Menu, Reports, Create/Edit Custom Reports) and select the Create icon located in the upper right corner of the list to create a new report.
2. Enter Clients and Monthly Income in the Report Name field.
3. Enter the following query:
SELECT tblClient.colClientID AS [Client ID], tblClient.colFirstName AS [First Name], tblClient.colLastName AS [Last Name], colMonthlyIncome as [Monthly Income]
FROM tblClient
INNER JOIN tblFinancialSource ON tblClient.colClientID = tblFinancialSource.colClientID
WHERE colCurrentFinancialSource =1
4. Select the Preview button to preview the results:
Close the query preview page to return to the query-building page; now we’ll add a click-through link to the report.
5. Scroll down to the Links and Totals section and select the Enable Click-Through box to bring the related fields into view. Enter the three fields as follows:
Link: /FetchPage.aspx?PageName=EditClient
Columns: Client ID
Keys: colClientID
The Columns field identifies the column returned by the query that will be used as the key for the click-through. The column(s) specified must appear in your query results. In our query, the client ID column was renamed to “Client ID”. As “Client ID” is the column name that appears in our query results, this is the column name you need to enter in this field. Use a comma-separated list to enter more than one column value in this field.
The Keys field identifies what’s expected by the page being opened in the click-through. Enter the original name of the column in this field. As “colClientID” is the original column name coded into the software, this is the column name you need to enter in this field. The key(s) specified must appear in your query. Use a comma-separated list to enter more than one key value in this field.
6. Select the Preview button to preview the report, and select any of the names listed to click through to the related client file. Close the client file to return to the report results.
Close the query preview page to return to the query-building page, and continue to “Adding Totals” to learn how to add totals to your report.