Report Parameters – Part 2
The following parameters are available in Pirouette:
@StartDate: Corresponds to Start Date
@EndDate: Corresponds to End Date
@ClientID: Corresponds to Client ID for the current file (must be a client report)
@UserID: Corresponds to User/Employee ID for the current file (must be a user report)
@ProgramID: Corresponds to the selected Program ID
@RelatedProgramsIDs: Returns a comma-delimited list of programs related to the selected program
@ViewRelatedProgramsIDs: Returns results based on all programs in Pirouette (Default Program View) or just the programs identified in the specified view
You can also embed functions in your custom reports, as a shortcut to entering the actual code. Doing so will save you an enormous amount of time and effort, as you will likely use functions repeatedly as part of the report building process. The following functions are available in Pirouette:
Before publishing your custom report for other users to access, you may wish to rename the column headings to make them clearer and more meaningful to users. Continue to “Renaming Columns” to learn how to do this.