Contact People
The Contact People list shows all the contact people that have been added to Pirouette, whether or not the person is associated with a client file(s).
To access the central list of contact people:
1. Go to the Menu at the top of the page, go to the Clients and Contacts section, and select Contact People.
2. Select the desired record to open it.
To add the name of a new contact person:
1. Go to the central list of contact people and select the Create icon located in the upper right corner of the list.
2. At the New Contact Helper, enter some of contact person’s information and select the Locate Contact prompt in order to check if the person has already been entered into the system.
a) If the contact person is listed: select the person’s name and select Open Selected Contact to open the file.
b) If the contact person is not listed: select Create a New Contact to create a new file. This will bring you to a new page where you can enter information about the contact person.
3. When you are finished, save and close the record.
Tip: go to the Clients section of the contact person’s file to see clients the contact person is currently associated with.
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