Crisis Menu (View All Crisis Notes and Assessments)
The crisis menu allows you to view a list of of all the crisis notes that have been entered Crisis assessments are always associated with a note; the assessment is accessed through the Contacts section of the note.
To open a crisis note and access the related crisis assessment:
1. Go to the Menu at the top of the page and go to the Crisis section. Select Calls or Visits, and select the list you wish to access. This will bring you to a central list of crisis notes for all clients.
2. Select the desired note from the list to open it. If you need to make changes to the original note, you can do so by adding an addendum. If you wish to make changes to either the Contacts or Time Spent pages of the note, select Edit Related Contacts and Time Spent on the main note page.
3. At the top of the page where the client’s name is shown, select Notes (to the right of the client’s name) to open the file menu, then select Related Assessments from the menu. The related assessment(s) will be listed.
Tip: at the crisis assessment list, you can use the Create icon located in the upper right corner of the list to enter a new note and crisis assessment.